Yarn shopping
/I couldn't resist a visit to the nearest wool shop when we had an almost spontaneous stay in Buxton this weekend. We needed a break after a rather hectic holiday at home which included a daughter’s wedding, a kitchen fire (don't ask), and house move preparations. Anyway, the shop is Sew-In of Buxton and though small, has a marvelous selection of yarns. I spent forever in there dilly dallying while my exceedingly patient man pottered off around the shops and then settled down in a coffee shop to wait for me. I was looking for some DK cotton and drooled a bit over the Rowan Softknit cotton, but I really couldn’t justify the cost for the current Santa Special and plumped for some craft cotton and Sirdar Simply Recycled instead. This was rather handily on offer and although it is a cotton/acrylic mix it has exactly the soft unglazed look and feel that I was looking for.
Sew-In of Buxton
I would recommend a visit to Buxton if you have not been before. It is like a mini Bath with lots of Georgian architecture. We stayed at the Palace Hotel which has a charming air of faded grandeur. There are so many things to see; the opera house, the Pavilion Gardens, the Crescent (a semi circular set of buildings like the Grand Crescent in Bath, though not quite so big), and even the Derby University 'Devonshire Dome'. This is a huge and grand domed entrance hall which was built by the Duke of Devonshire of the time for his stables! We haven't seen all the delights Buxton has to to offer yet, which of course give's a reason to go again!