Embroidered wall hanging


Anther design from Gail Pan. I love the embroidery, but I'm not too sure about the wall hanging.  I was aiming for a folk art style, but was quite keen to use whatever I could get my hands on without buying anymore fabric, so I'm not sure that I hit the target with my choices. Never, mind, it still looks quite sweet. The copper pipe hanger was also an impromptu discovery (lol).

and we stitched happily ever after

And we stitched happily ever after.....

And we stitched happily ever after.....

I can finally reveal some of the embroidery I have been doing. I wanted to make a special birthday present for AC, my sewing buddy. I don't actually have a photo of the birthday present (yet), but I made one for myself, so this is it.

The design is from 'Patchwork Loves Embroidery' by Gail Pan.  The birthday effort has buttons and piping, but mine adorns a bag that was made at speed so is a little more simple! It's now my embroidery project bag. 

Nb I found that the Christmas ferrero rocher box is perfect for my selection of embroidery perle thread no. 8! It stops them getting all muddled up in my new bag.