Last #C25K run and onwards

I've done the last run in the C25K programme. Hoorah. It was a bit delayed because it's been too flippin' hot, but I managed it on Friday morning when it was a bit cooler, running 3.5 laps around the field, which incidentally is now a very bare field. The farmer cut and bagged it last week and it's looking very empty and open.

Now for the nitty gritty. How far have I been running in 30 minutes? Well, somewhat predictably, it has not been 5k (3 miles). The trusty GPS measures my laps at 0.6 miles so I've only made it to 2.1 miles. I need to run 5 laps to make 3 miles. So, armed with a new target, I ran 5 laps on Sunday *applause and cheering*. I listened to an audio book instead of the motivational music supplied by the podcast, and found it really quite do'able. Of course, it wasn't fast - 43 minutes altogether, but never the less, I did it! *rousing fanfare*. Bit tired today now *sigh*.