Feb Progress report
/the brick cleaning Pile and chief technician
Reclaimed brick and quarry tile hearth
Well, this shouldn't take long as nothing much has happened. Except that is for the exemplary brick cleaning and site tidying efforts of Richard. Also the joists and floor boards have been delivered and put in place in barn 3......mostly.......there is an issue to be resolved around the position of one of the joists to allow the log burner flue to go through to the roof. However, whilst there has been a sad lack of building progress, quietly behind the scenes we have been:-
- reworking the bathrooms for barn 1 since the originally requested items are no longer in stock.....arghhhhh.
- planning bathrooms for barn 2
- researching suppliers for engineered oak flooring for barn 1 (and the others if it all works well).
- researching and buying tiles for barn 1 downstairs loo
- trying to progress the electricity connection....just waiting for the legals now.
- building a hearth in barn 3 and a buying a log burner. The quarry tiles were from the dairy in the farmhouse. We found them in one of the barns and wheelbarrowed them over to the garden 'just in case'. I really like them and think we will use them in the next barn too.
- gently heating and dehumidifying barn 1 to bring down the humidity
- having the window and door manufacturer fix the locks on the doors and windows. It had been a bit disappointing as the doors looked absolutely brilliant but were all a bit stiff and some we couldn't even open. Now they are almost perfect - just a few more tweaks and all will be well.
- ordering and picking up a date stone. We wanted a nice big stone above the garage, and decided to go with 2017 rather than 2018 since that was when the build started, and in fact finished on barns 1 and 2. Maybe we will even move in before 2019! (lo).