No planning yet.....
/........apparently due to Derbyshire Wildlife Trust not responding to their consultation letter. You would think that the independent bat and bird survey we paid for would provide the info they need. We've had a slightly cynical thought that it's possibly a tactical delaying ploy on behalf of the planning department, but it's difficult to complain in case you p**s the planner off. Sigh.
storage container delivery
We have some physical progress because we now have a storage container on site. What fun we will have filling it with all our stuff! Seriously though, it's a big relief to have a storage solution that won't cost an arm and a leg. Behind the scenes, a lot of progress has been made on firming up the budget with estimates from suppliers of MVHR, solar PV, pellet boilers, windows, tiles, kitchens, and building work (weather tight, 1st and 2nd fix), not to mention the issue of financing the whole damn thing. We have had some good fortune about the possibility of getting cable broadband as it can be done by the buiilder when the sewage drains are installed down the lane. Hoorah. It's all busy, busy!