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Sunny Sutton on Sea part 2

Here again at Sutton on Sea. It's the August Bank Holiday weekend and the weather is glorious. Great news for the seasonal seaside economy, and of course great news for us because it truly is beautiful. Sutton on Sea has been a perennial seaside favourite of my family and I still love it here. Sometimes I don't even mind if the weather is a little less than welcoming......sshhhhh say that quietly,  because it means that it is perfectly acceptable to stay indoors and read or sew or crochet, or even just watch a good film. Occasionally, we break out the board games, although not so much these days as the children are all grown up and mostly not here. However, when the weather is good you just want to be outside. Yesterday I went for a swim in the sea and was treated to the sight of terns diving right in front of me. Today I managed a swim and then a jog along the beach before breakfast. Again, the bird life was teeming. The terns were scouting back and forth and my little jog along the beach was interrupted by the sight of a host of terns, gulls, sanderlings and even a giant black backed gull all resting? roosting? on the part of beach restricted to dogs. 

Later I walked to Sutton on Sea village along the sea front. It's a typically british seaside view with all the brightly coloured beach huts. Joy of joys, my favourite beach hut was open and occupied. I wrote about it in my post 'Sunny Sutton on Sea'. I couldn't resist asking if I could have a look and take some photo's. Fortunately, the owners are used to these sort of requests and were happy to oblige. I've since been informed by a blog reader that the painting of the beach hut was commissioned by the town crier for Sutton on Sea, Mablethorpe and Trusthorpe when he owned the hut.

I have to mention my new favourite wool shop 'The Mill' in Sutton on Sea. It opened in Feb this year  to a new owner @TheCountedSheep  It has all sorts of lovely yarn, and some very tempting ribbon as well as other bits and bobs. I'm so inspired that I'm looking  for a pattern so that I can buy some wool whilst we are on holiday. I'm also particularly taken with the antique sock knitting machine in the window. I really want one. In fact I came very close to buying one from  a lovely gentleman in Ashbourne. He has a huge collection of antique sock machines ready to restore and when our finances have stabilised after the barns are completed, I'm having one!